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The Safe Aesthetic Practitioner (SafeAP)

The Safe Aesthetic Practitioner (SafeAP) is a marketplace designed to ensure that non- surgical aesthetic procedures are delivered by qualified healthcare professionals in a safe environment. Co-founded by NHS medical doctors - Dr. Sieuming Ng and Dr. Subha Punj, SafeAP was designed to improve safety within the industry.

SafeAP allows you to search and compare all qualified practitioners within a desired location. The verification process for each practitioner will involve vetting of their medical/dental/nursing council registration, appropriate course certification for procedures provided, life support training, complete disclosure and barring service check and indemnity insurance.

SafeAP is built to improve safety, by empowering you to make an informed decision, on the treatment and practitioner that you choose.

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Dr. Sieuming NG

As a Maxillofacial surgeon training in the NHS, Sieuming has always had an interest in non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Having been an aesthetic practitioner herself, she noticed when it comes to cosmetic injectables, there were no regulations. With complications on the rise and patient safety being compromised, it ignited her passion to improve the safety within this industry. This started her journey with The Safe Aesthetic Practitioner (SafeAP). Together with her co-founder, she developed a platform where, clients are able search for qualified healthcare practitioners.

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An NHS doctor currently working in the Surgical department, Subha has always had an interest in skin care and aesthetic procedures. Her mission to destigmatize the aesthetic industry is one of a personal journey. Having suffered from acne with skin confidence issues, her aim with this platform is to raise awareness on the array of medical aesthetic procedures available. Together with Sieuming, she has developed SafeAP, both as a marketplace and as an information portal on aesthetic procedures.

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